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💪  (Case Study) This is What Unlocked Success For Him…

Sent: Apr 13, 2024
    💪  (Case Study) This is What Unlocked Success For Him…

    💪 (Case Study) This is What Unlocked Success For Him… Here’s a typical case of not having the critical pieces needed to creating the physique you desire… Hey Ann, A sedentary lifestyle was reflecting on Reinis’ health. A lot of sitting and eating with no exercise was pressing on his neck and shoulders, making him live with constant pain. He had been going to physiotherapy for a long time but it wasn’t fully fixing the problem. And of course the looks of his physique was getting worse too - “I was ashamed to look at myself in the mirror.” Then along came BWS… Results: Start: 68 kg Now: 60 kg Reduced BF by estimated 10% “As I already had knowledge of how to train and what to do in the gym, my biggest challenge was the nutrition and how much to eat. This is what the program helped me with the most.” Reinis A., Beginner Shred. Here’s What Reinis Told Us: Since I was working from home, it was quite easy to start following nutritional guidelines because I was always in the comfort of making my own food. I tried to eat take out foods as little as possible as it was quite hard at the beginning to estimate calories in such foods. I also had to change my daily routine to incorporate training times. I didn't have my own equipment at home, I ordered dumbbells and weights and eventually built myself a home gym, which is nice because now I don't have to go to a regular gym and pay for a subscription there. The BWS program is a well thought out program with all the little details necessary to both lose fat and build muscle. Other training programs I've used in the past for both training and nutrition were good, but I needed something new for sure. The nutrition spreadsheet was what convinced me to choose BWS's program. I have been following the program for 4 months and I'm still following it. But 4 months was a nice mark for me as I've started to really like the results. But it's important to keep training so I'll continue to follow it. My strength changed a lot! I'm still progressing with my weights and my progression hasn't stopped yet. Since it's summer now, I'm planning to maintain my weight or cut a bit even more, but after this I'll try and bulk in the autumn so I can gain even more muscle in those cold winter months. And again next year I could cut again to be ready for the next summer. A Hot Tip From Reinis: First and most important advice - follow your nutrition guidelines. I've always known that it's the most important part behind any routine and with this program it's again proven to be correct. After fulfilling this task, the rest will come easy with consistent training and determination. --- Best regards, Jeremy & The BWS Team PS: No fitness program is complete without guiding you through both the proper workouts and nutritional steps to meet your particular goals. If you’re ready to unlock the best physical version of yourself, take our free fitness quiz and discover exactly what your next step should be to reach the goals that mean the most to you. TAKE YOUR QUIZ NOW! Built With Science Holdings Corp., 8105 Birch Bay Square St. Suite 103, Blaine, Washington 98230, United States Manage preferences