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💪  (Case Study) From Plateau to Progress

Sent: May 11, 2024
    💪  (Case Study) From Plateau to Progress

    💪 (Case Study) From Plateau to Progress Denny reveals the key to breaking his plateau and building his dream physique... Hey Ann, Denny had been working out and dialing in his nutrition for several years, but he seemed to be stuck at around 13-14% body fat. He had finally resigned himself to perhaps he was facing a biological limit and was stuck with his physique. Then he found Built With Science and started the Intermediate Shred program… The Results: Lost around 7kg (15.4 lbs) and significantly less body fat. Here’s What Denny Told Us: “I was already eating healthy; health is a main concern for me, but I was not counting calories or paying that much attention to macros. I knew I had to get enough protein but didn’t know how much enough was. So everything I tried before was kind of experimental - and failed. Also, I had a hard time getting used to the idea of tracking what I was eating on weekends (alcohol included!), as I was used to considering those to be “time off”, but all the structure I found in the program was enough motivation for me to trust it and try it out for real. I found it extremely helpful to implement the changes gradually. I first focused on understanding the program. Then, I switched my workout routine. Next, I set up the dietary changes for weekdays, and finally, when I felt it would not be that much of an effort, I went full mode around June 2020. For my phase two, I believe it is time to put up some more muscle before I lose anymore fat. Building muscle was another aspect of my physique I thought I was at my limit. I purchased the Intermediate Build program but I am going full mode only when it is safe to go back to the gym. I hope that in a year I can send you new photos of this next phase! In my meantime, I am happy keeping my physique.” Four HOT Tips From Denny… I always say that, if you wish to be mindful about what you eat, I am sorry to tell you, but you need to learn to cook! This can be very intimidating for the inexperienced, but it is a must. Afterwards, besides helping you achieve your fitness goals, you can also impress people with your cooking skills! Also, the diet in the program is flexible enough to not become a torture. Once you learn to eat more to nourish your body as opposed to an entertainment, it is actually pretty easy to stick to. Second is FORM. I see that, unfortunately, many people working out focus more on weight than form, which is a waste of time. It will bring about none of your goals and actually dramatically increases the chances of injury. When lifting weights, form always comes first. Third, do not compare yourself to others, but to yourself. Other people are way too different in fitness regards to serve as a parameter. Keep your pics and your own measurements to make sure you are consistently defeating YOURSELF every once in a while. It is a competition, but with yesterday-you! And finally, do not hurry! I know when we start a fitness program, we want to see results fast, but if you try to implement everything at once, there will be way too many changes to your routine and you might get overwhelmed and eventually quit. I found it helpful to schedule every new thing I was going to add to my routine. Having a plan gives us direction and eases the mental burden. Mark it in your calendar if you need to: seeing things written and ticking them off is a surprisingly useful trick to accomplish them! ---- Best regards, Jeremy & The BWS Team PS: Denny used his own personality and tendencies to make the BWS program his own. For instance, he scheduled and implemented change gradually. For other personality types, they may have the best results by going all in from the start. In the end, it’s about taking your BWS program and implementing it in a way that will help you get the results that matter most to you. As fast, or as gradual, as your own personality and goals permit. But one thing is for sure, if you implement the program, you will get results. If, like Denny, you have been working out and watching your diet for years but haven’t achieved your goals, resigning yourself to, ‘this is just how I’ll always look’…you owe it yourself to take our free analysis quiz and see exactly where you should start to break into the “new you”. TAKE YOUR QUIZ NOW! Built With Science Holdings Corp., 8105 Birch Bay Square St. Suite 103, Blaine, Washington 98230, United States Manage preferences