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💪  (Case Study) From Cardio to Confidence: A Stronger, Leaner You

Sent: Apr 20, 2024
    💪  (Case Study) From Cardio to Confidence: A Stronger, Leaner You

    💪 (Case Study) From Cardio to Confidence: A Stronger, Leaner You Daniel found success once he knew what to do and exactly how to do it… Hey Ann, Daniel was never a consistent lifter in the gym (his words), and typically would just do cardio to lose weight. As a result, he usually lost both fat and muscle. He didn’t eat poorly, but he did not have any sort of guide as to what specifically to eat either. Then he found BWS, which provided the guidance that gave Daniel consistency…two important principles for success. Results: Start: 174 lbs Now: 158 lbs and estimated 10% reduction in BF. “The BWS program gave me both a blueprint for nutrition, as well as a map for success in the gym. BWS stands apart from the rest because it brings nutrition and exercise together in an easy to follow way.” - Daniel S., Beginner Shred. Here’s What Daniel Told Us: Before BWS, consistency was my major challenge. BWS simply tells you what to do, and if you simply do it, the results come. That was my motivation to stick with it, there was no guesswork. I dropped everything I was doing before and stuck to the program like a script. I had an off balanced mixture of cardio and occasional lifting before, and nearly no nutrition plan at all. The Nutrition Spreadsheet - To be simply told how much of each macro, and how many calories to eat, I was able to create my own recipes and easy fit within those parameters. The workout sets themselves are fantastic… BWS stands apart from the rest because it brings nutrition and exercise together in an easy to follow way. I gained in every category, with squats and bench press by and large showing the most gains. I started off benching 155 pounds for reps, and now push 225 for reps. I have a dramatically different body for sure, along with great strength gains as well. This has helped my confidence not only in the gym, but everywhere. I get compliments regularly, and it just adds to that confidence. From this point, I would like to get down to 10-11% BF, then maintain for the rest of the summer. With some luck, I will add muscle doing that. Then I will switch to a bulk in the fall, and see how my body responds. Three Hot Tips From Daniel: READ THE WHOLE THING, then read it again. Screenshot areas that you know you’ll want to remember. So much confusion can be overcome by simply investing the time into reading everything. You paid for it, so get your money’s worth. Once you understand the program, just follow it as closely as your physical limits will allow. It simply works, and you just have to trust that and have some patience with yourself. The results WILL come. Eating clean does not mean starving, nor does it mean not eating foods you like. I eat out all the time, and usually have a cheat meal or two on the weekend. Just be certain what you’re eating fits primarily into your calories and protein requirements, the other two macros usually fall into place. Figure out what you enjoy eating, that is impactful to your diet (I eat a LOT of grilled chicken, rice and green veggies, but they don’t have to be boring. There are a ton of low or no calorie seasonings and dressings you can use). --- Best regards, Jeremy & The BWS Team PS: It’s time to get your blueprint for nutrition and a map for success in the gym. Take a our free fitness quiz to discover exactly what program is for you to reach the goals that mean the most to you. TAKE YOUR QUIZ NOW! Built With Science Holdings Corp., 8105 Birch Bay Square St. Suite 103, Blaine, Washington 98230, United States Manage preferences