tooktake email

It's a spring thing.

Sent: Apr 03, 2024
    It's a spring thing.
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    Quicktakes 08

    Sticker or label?

    Is it a sticker or a label?

    Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I describe tooktake.

    The full name is “Tooktake Dosage Reminder Labels”.

    This was intentional. I wanted people to take tooktake seriously and I wanted it to sound important. 🫡

    The word sticker didn’t sound important or grand enough for my invention that was going to change the entire planet for the better. 🌎❤️

    Well, now that tooktake is growing and I am presenting it to more and more people including retailers, and investors, I am finding myself saying “It’s a sticker.” more often.

    People are familiar with stickers, they like stickers, and they know how they work.

    When I call them “labels” people seem to need more of an explanation. I suppose it is confusing when you're talking about prescription meds. 😂.

    I’m curious, if I started to refer to tooktake as dosage tracking stickers, does that sound clearer? Less clear? Neither? 🙃

    Reply to this email and let me know what you think! Thanks 😊


    Feeling Lost? Try Being More Curious About Yourself.

    Approaching your life with curiosity can help you spend more of your time on the things that you'd like to be doing, instead of the things that other people ask you to do. And who doesn't want that?

    Okay, I'm curious →

    It's a spring thing.

    As the sun emerges and temperatures rise, there's a natural inclination to refresh both body and mind.

    Spring cleaning is more than just tidying up; it's a way to declutter your space and clear mental fog.

    Organizing your surroundings can lead to a clearer mindset and a sense of accomplishment.

    Swap hearty winter meals for lighter fare like salads and fish, embracing the fresh produce of the season.

    Whether from farmers' markets or your garden (lucky you!), adding greens to your diet is a fitting way to welcome spring.

    With warmer weather, exercise feels more inviting. Whether it's running, biking, or tennis, take advantage of outdoor activities to kickstart a fitness routine.

    Embrace mindfulness through activities like art, yoga, or journaling, finding moments of calm amidst the season's energy.

    As winter fades, reconnect with friends and family. The warmer weather encourages socialization and outdoor gatherings, providing opportunities to strengthen relationships.

    Welcome spring as a time for renewal and wellness. Embrace the increased sunlight and blooming flowers as a fresh start to the year. Happy spring!

    1 to go on

    "It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives."

    Fred Rogers

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    281 E Colorado Blvd.
    Unit #892, Pasadena
    United States of America

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    It's a spring thing. View in browser Quicktakes 08 Sticker or label? Is it a sticker or a label? Lately, I’ve been thinking about how I describe tooktake. The full name is “Tooktake Dosage Reminder Labels”. This was intentional. I wanted people to take tooktake seriously and I wanted it to sound important. 🫡 The word sticker didn’t sound important or grand enough for my invention that was going to change the entire planet for the better. 🌎❤️ Well, now that tooktake is growing and I am presenting it to more and more people including retailers, and investors, I am finding myself saying “It’s a sticker.” more often. People are familiar with stickers, they like stickers, and they know how they work. When I call them “labels” people seem to need more of an explanation. I suppose it is confusing when you're talking about prescription meds. 😂. I’m curious, if I started to refer to tooktake as dosage tracking stickers, does that sound clearer? Less clear? Neither? 🙃 Reply to this email and let me know what you think! Thanks 😊 -Leeanna Whatever they're called, I need some now. Feeling Lost? Try Being More Curious About Yourself. Approaching your life with curiosity can help you spend more of your time on the things that you'd like to be doing, instead of the things that other people ask you to do. And who doesn't want that? Okay, I'm curious → It's a spring thing. As the sun emerges and temperatures rise, there's a natural inclination to refresh both body and mind. Spring cleaning is more than just tidying up; it's a way to declutter your space and clear mental fog. Organizing your surroundings can lead to a clearer mindset and a sense of accomplishment. Swap hearty winter meals for lighter fare like salads and fish, embracing the fresh produce of the season. Whether from farmers' markets or your garden (lucky you!), adding greens to your diet is a fitting way to welcome spring. With warmer weather, exercise feels more inviting. Whether it's running, biking, or tennis, take advantage of outdoor activities to kickstart a fitness routine. Embrace mindfulness through activities like art, yoga, or journaling, finding moments of calm amidst the season's energy. As winter fades, reconnect with friends and family. The warmer weather encourages socialization and outdoor gatherings, providing opportunities to strengthen relationships. Welcome spring as a time for renewal and wellness. Embrace the increased sunlight and blooming flowers as a fresh start to the year. Happy spring! 1 to go on "It’s the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives." Fred Rogers Are you enjoying Quicktakes? Share it! Tooktake 281 E Colorado Blvd. Unit #892, PasadenaUnited States of America You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from us. Unsubscribe