tooktake email

Our take on looking well.

Sent: Feb 21, 2024
    Quicktakes 01
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    Quicktakes 02

    Happy Wednesday: Today's Quicktakes read time is about 2 minutes.

    "You don't look sick."

    "You don't look sick." Ah, yes, the classic line that many invisible illness warriors hear all too often. But here's the deal: illness doesn't always come with a neon sign flashing "I'm here!" Sometimes, it lurks in the shadows, silently wreaking havoc without a single outward clue.

    Let's drop the assumptions and embrace the reality: illness doesn't discriminate based on appearance. Just because someone looks like they have it all together doesn't mean they aren't battling something you can't see.

    So, next time you're tempted to dish out a "you look great," pause and remember that looks can be deceiving. Instead, offer a kind word or lend a helping hand without judgment. Empathy goes a long way in a world where invisible battles are fought daily.

    Here's the bottom line, people: be kind, be aware, and above all, be empowered. Own your journey, whether visible or hidden. And remember, it's okay not to be okay sometimes. Your strength lies in your resilience, not in how well you hide your struggles. So, keep going. You've got this.

    Covid is getting more social.

    The CDC is planning to reduce five-day covid isolation guidelines to 24 hours. 

    Public health has to be realistic→

    Stress has got some nerve.

    The Polyvagal Theory, named after the vagus nerve, which wanders throughout the body, explains how our nervous system responds to threats and stress. Here’s what you need to know:

    • Recognize Stress Signs: Pay attention to signals like rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing, or feelings of anxiety to identify when you’re stressed or fearful.
    • Activate the Ventral Vagal Pathway: Practice deep breathing, cold water therapy, movement, and social connections to shift from stress to calmness and emotional regulation.
    • Create Your Stress Toolkit: Develop personalized strategies such as mindfulness, yoga, or nature walks to better manage stress and fear.
    • Exercise Your Vagus Nerve: Engage in focused breathing, mindfulness, meditation, and positive social interactions to improve emotional regulation and resilience.
    • Embrace Polyvagal Theory: Understand how the vagus nerve influences reactions, empowering conscious regulation for calmness and connection.

    Polyvagal Theory helps us deal better with life's challenges, making it easier to connect with ourselves and others.

    Go deeper -->

    1 fun thing

    "I am not an early bird or night owl; I’m some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon."


    A breath of fresh air.

    Tooktake monthly labels are great for things you need to remember to change each month like air conditioning, furnace, and humidifier filters.

    More on monthly labels →


    281 E Colorado Blvd.
    Unit #892, Pasadena
    United States of America

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    Quicktakes 01 View in browser Quicktakes 02 Happy Wednesday: Today's Quicktakes read time is about 2 minutes. "You don't look sick." "You don't look sick." Ah, yes, the classic line that many invisible illness warriors hear all too often. But here's the deal: illness doesn't always come with a neon sign flashing "I'm here!" Sometimes, it lurks in the shadows, silently wreaking havoc without a single outward clue. Let's drop the assumptions and embrace the reality: illness doesn't discriminate based on appearance. Just because someone looks like they have it all together doesn't mean they aren't battling something you can't see. So, next time you're tempted to dish out a "you look great," pause and remember that looks can be deceiving. Instead, offer a kind word or lend a helping hand without judgment. Empathy goes a long way in a world where invisible battles are fought daily. Here's the bottom line, people: be kind, be aware, and above all, be empowered. Own your journey, whether visible or hidden. And remember, it's okay not to be okay sometimes. Your strength lies in your resilience, not in how well you hide your struggles. So, keep going. You've got this. Covid is getting more social. The CDC is planning to reduce five-day covid isolation guidelines to 24 hours. Public health has to be realistic→ Stress has got some nerve. The Polyvagal Theory, named after the vagus nerve, which wanders throughout the body, explains how our nervous system responds to threats and stress. Here’s what you need to know: Recognize Stress Signs: Pay attention to signals like rapid heartbeat, shallow breathing, or feelings of anxiety to identify when you’re stressed or fearful.Activate the Ventral Vagal Pathway: Practice deep breathing, cold water therapy, movement, and social connections to shift from stress to calmness and emotional regulation.Create Your Stress Toolkit: Develop personalized strategies such as mindfulness, yoga, or nature walks to better manage stress and fear.Exercise Your Vagus Nerve: Engage in focused breathing, mindfulness, meditation, and positive social interactions to improve emotional regulation and resilience.Embrace Polyvagal Theory: Understand how the vagus nerve influences reactions, empowering conscious regulation for calmness and connection. Polyvagal Theory helps us deal better with life's challenges, making it easier to connect with ourselves and others. Go deeper --> 1 fun thing "I am not an early bird or night owl; I’m some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon." -Unknown A breath of fresh air. Tooktake monthly labels are great for things you need to remember to change each month like air conditioning, furnace, and humidifier filters. More on monthly labels → Tooktake 281 E Colorado Blvd. Unit #892, PasadenaUnited States of America You received this email because you signed up on our website or made a purchase from us. Unsubscribe