TOMO™ Bottle email

Join the Elité, Become a World-Changer 💎

Sent: May 29, 2024
    Dear VIP Member,

    Did you know that a staggering 663 million people worldwide lack access to safe, clean drinking water?
    The consequences are dire, with children being forced to skip school to walk hours to often-contaminated water sources. While thousands die weekly due water-borne diseases.
    Now, what if we told you that you could change these statistics with a single purchase?
    Every TOMO Elité bottle provides a family with clean water for life.
    Imagine the relief on a mother's face as she fills a clean vessel, no longer forced to choose between thirst and potential illness. Envision the joy of children playing freely, unburdened by the arduous task of fetching water from distant sources.
    Your TOMO Elité is a statement of compassion. It symbolizes a ripple effect that reaches far beyond your daily hydration.
    As an Elité member, we want you to experience the difference you're making.
    Every TOMO Elité has a unique QR code granting exclusive access to your sponsored well's GPS location, as well as immersive videos, photos, and stories documenting the life-changing impact of your contribution. 
    By purchasing an Elité bottle, you become a world-changer. With every sip, you leave behind a legacy of love.
    Join us in this powerful movement, where luxury and purpose work together to end the World Water Crisis.
    For the last time, we offer an exclusive $200 voucher to purchase your TOMO Elité on a special price.
    Use code at checkout: ELITEPREMIUM
    With love,
    The TOMO Team

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    Dear VIP Member, Did you know that a staggering 663 million people worldwide lack access to safe, clean drinking water? The consequences are dire, with children being forced to skip school to walk hours to often-contaminated water sources. While thousands die weekly due water-borne diseases. Now, what if we told you that you could change these statistics with a single purchase? Every TOMO Elité bottle provides a family with clean water for life. Imagine the relief on a mother's face as she fills a clean vessel, no longer forced to choose between thirst and potential illness. Envision the joy of children playing freely, unburdened by the arduous task of fetching water from distant sources. Your TOMO Elité is a statement of compassion. It symbolizes a ripple effect that reaches far beyond your daily hydration. As an Elité member, we want you to experience the difference you're making. Every TOMO Elité has a unique QR code granting exclusive access to your sponsored well's GPS location, as well as immersive videos, photos, and stories documenting the life-changing impact of your contribution. By purchasing an Elité bottle, you become a world-changer. With every sip, you leave behind a legacy of love. Join us in this powerful movement, where luxury and purpose work together to end the World Water Crisis. For the last time, we offer an exclusive $200 voucher to purchase your TOMO Elité on a special price. Use code at checkout: ELITEPREMIUM [BECOME AN ELITÉ MEMBER] With love,The TOMO Team You received this email from TOMO™ Bottle. If you would like to unsubscribe, click here.