Steven Crowder email

SUPPORT NEEDED: We must fix this!

Sent: Mar 26, 2024
    SUPPORT NEEDED: We must fix this!
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    Dear Crowder Army, 

    As you know, we have a lot of fun on the show. We laugh, we joke around, we make fun of each other. 

    But when it’s time to get serious, we do that too. 

    This is one of those times.

    Rarely am I at a loss for words, but when I think of sending my kids to school in just a few short years, I’m absolutely terrified. 

    Earlier today, we broke a story of a SECOND student-written manifesto incident, at the very same Chippewa Falls school we exposed in February. Like the first, this terrifying information was completely hidden from parents in the district. 

    Without our MugClub Undercover unit - none of this would be public, and the parents would still be in the dark about the threats facing their children.

    Sadly, due to the overwhelming response we have seen, we know this is just the tip of the iceberg nationwide. 

    Our tiplines are flooded with messages from many of you. We want to investigate everything you’re sending us. 

    But I need your financial support to make it possible. I need to hire more journalists, and I need to do it fast! 

    By joining MugClub - you will be directly supporting the expansion of this work!

    I am asking you to join MugClub today for only $79 annually with this limited time promo code UNDERCOVER to support this work! 

    This is just one school, in one small town, and it happened at least twice in one school year, and parents were not informed! 

    Think of all of the close calls we’ll never know about. 

    I know what needs done and I’m going to do everything in my power to continue to expose this problem, but I NEED your help

    We have a lot of work to do. If you enjoy the show, and our dedicated investigative work, I am asking you to please support us today.

    Mug Club Forever, 
    Steven Crowder

    PS: Joining MugClub is easy, safe, and secure! Join today for only $79 annually with promo code UNDERCOVER! CLICK HERE!

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    SUPPORT NEEDED: We must fix this! Rarely am I at a loss for words. View this email in your browser Dear Crowder Army, As you know, we have a lot of fun on the show. We laugh, we joke around, we make fun of each other. But when it’s time to get serious, we do that too. This is one of those times. Rarely am I at a loss for words, but when I think of sending my kids to school in just a few short years, I’m absolutely terrified. Earlier today, we broke a story of a SECOND student-written manifesto incident, at the very same Chippewa Falls school we exposed in February. Like the first, this terrifying information was completely hidden from parents in the district. Without our MugClub Undercover unit - none of this would be public, and the parents would still be in the dark about the threats facing their children. Sadly, due to the overwhelming response we have seen, we know this is just the tip of the iceberg nationwide. Our tiplines are flooded with messages from many of you. We want to investigate everything you’re sending us. But I need your financial support to make it possible. I need to hire more journalists, and I need to do it fast! By joining MugClub - you will be directly supporting the expansion of this work! I am asking you to join MugClub today for only $79 annually with this limited time promo code UNDERCOVER to support this work! This is just one school, in one small town, and it happened at least twice in one school year, and parents were not informed! Think of all of the close calls we’ll never know about. I know what needs done and I’m going to do everything in my power to continue to expose this problem, but I NEED your help. We have a lot of work to do. If you enjoy the show, and our dedicated investigative work, I am asking you to please support us today. Mug Club Forever, Steven Crowder PS: Joining MugClub is easy, safe, and secure! Join today for only $79 annually with promo code UNDERCOVER! CLICK HERE! Copyright © 2024 Louder with Crowder, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Our mailing address is: Louder with Crowder6009 W Parker RdPlano, TX 75093-8120Add us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.