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Can Trump put DEEP blue states into play? According to CNN's polling guru: "Absolutely"

Sent: Jul 12, 2024
    Can Trump put DEEP blue states into play? According to CNN's polling guru: "Absolutely"



    Can Trump put DEEP blue states into play? According to CNN's polling guru: "Absolutely"

    How bad are things going for Joe Biden? People are saying New York could be in play bad. No "big boy" press conference is going to fix that. CNN polling guru and harvester or Democrat sorrow Harry Eten looked at recent blue state polls and says that "absolutely" Trump can put reliable blue states in play.

    As the numbers show, states like New York and Virginia were trending Trump BEFORE the debate debacle.


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    Can Trump put DEEP blue states into play? According to CNN's polling guru: "Absolutely" View email in your browser TRENDING NOW Can Trump put DEEP blue states into play? According to CNN's polling guru: "Absolutely" How bad are things going for Joe Biden? People are saying New York could be in play bad. No "big boy" press conference is going to fix that. CNN polling guru and harvester or Democrat sorrow Harry Eten looked at recent blue state polls and says that "absolutely" Trump can put reliable blue states in play. As the numbers show, states like New York and Virginia were trending Trump BEFORE the debate debacle. OTHER STORIES YOU SHOULD SEE Watch: The look on Biden officials' faces when he praised "Vice President Trump" is amazeballs Watch: Dave Portnoy DESTROYS George Clooney's sudden realization Biden's a vegetable, misses one key point Man gets murdered protecting girl from migrants, but his family is upset about being mean to the migrants who murdered him Watch: Mick Jagger doesn't understand why Canadians are booing him for admitting he loves Justin Trudeau READ MORE 1201 N. Riverfont BLVD, Suite 150 Dallas, TX 75207 USA Follow on Facebook Friend on Twitter Friend on Instagram Friend on Youtube Copyright © 2024 Louder with Crowder, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website. Unsubscribe | Privacy Policy | View in Browser