I love being boldly honest with you guys! So here I go again.
For a very long time, I felt invincible and blessed because I never went through anything that brought me deep pain. I wondered how I could be so lucky when so many people around me were internally miserable, disappointed, and heartbroken. My perspective on life was very carefree and all about me. So, when others did things to me, I never took it personally, and I never held expectations for those around me.
Then, I began to deeply reflect on who I am showing up as, who I've been, and how my body feels for the things it has endured. My mind may have felt like I hadn't endured any pain, but my body was obviously holding on to something painful because my actions and behaviors were reflecting those of a wounded child acting out. As I reflected using the eyes of The Great Mother and myself as a sweet, innocent child, I began to bawl my eyes out, witnessing the things I've allowed others to do to me, the situations I put myself in, and the people-pleasing I had been doing to make others happy.
Come to find out, I have experienced significant pain, and it's unique to my journey, and it counts! I may not have been emotionally abused by my parents, homeless, or a victim of physical harm, but I have been disrespected, manipulated, betrayed, disappointed, played, mishandled, and mistreated.
That counts as real pain, and once I acknowledged that, the version of me that I love, trust, and respect began to emerge.
So when I say EVERYTHING MUST GO, I'm talking about the overlooked pain and emotions that have been held in my body, causing inner discomfort so that I can be who I know I can be.
So, I am leaving you with a deal.