Natural Dog Company email

Witness the Comeback: Your Dog’s Return to Puppyhood

Sent: Apr 05, 2024

    Hey Dog Lover Witnessing our dogs slow down as they age can be gut-wrenching. It's even worse seeing them struggle with joint pain and stiffness. But, what if I told you that understanding the powerhouse ingredients in our Hip & Joint Supplement could turn the tide on your dog's mobility issues? Let's Unpack the Magic in Every Chew: Glucosamine & Chondroitin: These joint health champions, sourced from shellfish and bovine cartilage, respectively, work synergistically to repair and prevent wear and tear on cartilage, offering your dog the flexibility and ease they once had. Skipping these can lead to deteriorated joint health and mobility issues. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane): A natural compound found in plants and animals, MSM is a critical ingredient for reducing joint inflammation and pain, promoting healthier, more comfortable movement. Without MSM, your dog could be missing out on essential pain relief and anti-inflammatory benefits. Hyaluronic Acid: Found naturally in the body, this ingredient is crucial for keeping joints well-lubricated and reducing friction, making every movement smooth and pain-free. Lack of hyaluronic acid could mean stiffer, more painful joints for your dog. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Directly from cold-water fish, these essential fats not only support skin and coat health but are vital for reducing joint inflammation and promoting overall joint health. They can contribute to brain development, strengthen the immune system, and also help with skin health. A deficiency in Omega-3s could lead to increased inflammation and joint pain. Why These Ingredients Matter: Each ingredient is meticulously chosen for its proven track record in supporting joint health, mobility, and overall wellness for your dog. For example, Glucosamine and Chondroitin are not just about keeping joints healthy; they're about turning back the clock on your dog's mobility. MSM's anti-inflammatory properties ensure your dog can move more freely, without discomfort. Neglecting these key nutrients could leave your dog at risk for progressive joint degradation, decreased mobility, and increased pain—a scenario no pet parent wants to see their fur baby go through. With just 48 hours left on our exclusive March Madness offer for our Hip & Joint Chews, there's no better time to commit to your dog's long-term mobility and happiness. Don't wait for the signs of joint discomfort to worsen; proactive care is the key. With our comprehensive blend of joint-supporting ingredients, you're not just providing relief—you're giving them the gift of mobility. Ready to see your dog run with the joy of their younger years? Tap into our limited-time offer, save 49% on your order, and watch your dog move with the ease and freedom they deserve. No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. Natural Dog Company 1887 Whitney Mesa Drive #2035 Henderson, NV 89014