FCP Euro email

DSG or Manual? Which Is The Better Transmission?

Sent: Mar 17, 2024

    DSG vs. Manual: Which Transmission Is Best For You? Automotive enthusiasts love a good argument. Whether it’s turbo versus naturally aspirated, FWD versus RWD versus AWD, or almost any other means of differentiating one thing from another, we’re all-too-happy to debate for hours on end about why what we love is the best. In the land of the Volkswagen GTI, the manual versus automatic discussion wasn’t really much of a debate, as everyone knew manual transmissions were the superior option compared to the abysmal slush-boxes on offer from Wolfsburg. But with the release of the Volkswagen DSG dual-clutch automatic in the mid-2000s, everything changed, and more and more GTI enthusiasts have been asking themselves, which is the best transmission? Is the DSG or manual Golf GTI, Golf R, or GLI better? Read more » Thank You: Exciting Updates From FCP Euro I'm filled with gratitude for the support and loyalty you've shown FCP Euro, helping to make this past year another successful one. Over the past years, it’s become a tradition for me to reach out to our loyal customers and the European car community, offering a glimpse into our progress and inviting your invaluable feedback. Read more » Understanding The BMW Part Number System BMW part numbers don't need to be complicated or anxiety-inducing. If you know what they are, but don't care to know what they mean, they can still be of help to you. If you know the unique BMW part number already and are looking for a replacement, you can simply plug that number into the search bar on FCP Euro and find a replacement for the part you are looking for. If you don't yet know the part number, you can use a BMW part number search tool such as Bimmercat or Realoem. Either of these websites will allow you to search catalogs of BMW parts diagrams and find the exact part along with the BMW part number that you're looking for. If you want to learn more about what the part numbers mean, read below. Read more » 5 Porsches For The Budget-Minded Buyer Ah yes, The Poor Man's Porsche. A phrase uttered by automotive journalists, writers, bloggers, reviewers, and probably anyone who has ever written or spoken a word about cars for decades, all in the attempt to show just how great that 'fill-in-the' blank' car really is. Porsche being a brand world-renowned for excellence is certainly not news, they have been the standard in the world of useful performance pretty much from the beginning, so when a car can do everything we ask of it, and it's fun to drive? Well, the comparison is hard to resist, and it's been a thing since the late 50s or early 60s, depending on who you credit for coining the term. Read more » No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. FCP Euro 155 Hill Street Milford, Connecticut 06460