CAKES Body email

You Made This Possible

Sent: Feb 01, 2024
    Hi Ann,
    The only reason we were able to start a business two years ago with no existing social media presence, no investors, and quite frankly very little experience, is because of a group of supportive women on social media – many were our friends & family, many more were women we had never met. 
    We had no money for a photo shoot, so we decided to start sending CAKES to real women asking if they’d review the product and send us back pictures of their outfits. Very quickly, these women became our Hype Girl ambassadors. They, along with our customers and followers, put us on the map and turned our little idea to replace the pads in our sports bras into something so much greater and more meaningful. 
    Today, we have over 2,000 Hype Girls, hundreds of thousands of customers, and have donated over $300K to women’s health causes. None of this would be possible without our Hype Girls, customers, and followers - we love you so much. So from the CAKES crew to you, Happy Anniversary, cheers to you. We are just getting started with you by our side!
    P.S. Today is the last day to take 20% off your order when you use code Z3HL46H5

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    Hi Ann, The only reason we were able to start a business two years ago with no existing social media presence, no investors, and quite frankly very little experience, is because of a group of supportive women on social media – many were our friends & family, many more were women we had never met. We had no money for a photo shoot, so we decided to start sending CAKES to real women asking if they’d review the product and send us back pictures of their outfits. Very quickly, these women became our Hype Girl ambassadors. They, along with our customers and followers, put us on the map and turned our little idea to replace the pads in our sports bras into something so much greater and more meaningful. Today, we have over 2,000 Hype Girls, hundreds of thousands of customers, and have donated over $300K to women’s health causes. None of this would be possible without our Hype Girls, customers, and followers - we love you so much. So from the CAKES crew to you, Happy Anniversary, cheers to you. We are just getting started with you by our side! XO, P.S. Today is the last day to take 20% off your order when you use code Z3HL46H5 You received this email from CAKES body. If you would like to unsubscribe, click here.