Hey There,
Just a heads up that we're updating our Terms of Use, those things nobody reads but are kinda important. The new stuff goes into effect on June 26, 2024. Here's the lowdown:
We're adding some details about our awesome digital products (ya know, the ones that keep you entertained 24/7).
We're tweaking how we handle disputes (aka arbitration) and who we use for it.
We're streamlining the legalese around stuff like third-party content.
You can check out the updated Terms of Use here.
BTW: If you're not down with the new arbitration terms, you can opt out of arbitration within 30 days of the first time you use the Barstool platform after June 26th. Just shoot us an email here from your registered address with your first and last name, or follow the link in the first paragraph of the Terms.That said, if you don't opt out and keep using the platform after June 26th, that means you accept the updated Terms and are basically saying "El Pres, I'm cool with the new terms."
Thank you for choosing Barstool Sports.